What to Expect
Our Story
Leadership Team
What to Expect
Our Story
Leadership Team
Youth Group Behavioral Contract
I Agree To Our Goal
Our Goal: The ultimate goal for our Youth Group at North County Church is for us to become more like Christ, together. For our Youth Group to best facilitate this growth, it is important that we provide and maintain a safe place for one another. And for this to happen, there are certain boundaries that each of us must respect in order that our more fun moments can remain fun and that our more serious moments can be meaningful for each of us involved. Purpose for this code of conduct: 1. To support a safe and enjoyable environment for all members of our Youth Group. 2. To provide clear and explicit expectations for social behaviors in all Youth Group settings. 3. Provide leaders, students, and staff with appropriate actions that address student behaviors. (Parents, guardians, and caregivers who have any questions or concerns are encouraged to contact our Youth Ministry team (luke@northcountycofc.org).) Our Expectations: Be responsible: Response-ability is all about paying attention. If you do not pay attention to messes you help make, it will not even cross your mind to respond appropriately. Pay attention so that you know how best to act: If you make mess, clean it up. If you see a mess, help clean it up. Everyone present is expected to participate in all of our activities. Set a good example for others—our behavior can encourage one another and speaks louder than words. Be respectful: Respect comes from the Latin specere which means “to look”. Re-spect means to look at again and again, because what you are looking at matters for your life (like respecting snakes while hiking for they make a difference on how you can navigate hiking). Each person matters and impacts the lives of others in the group, and in a very practical sense each person present is worth our respect. We expect you to respect other students, both members and visitors. We expect you to respect our leadership team, worship teams, guest speakers, and volunteers (such as volunteer drivers and chaperones). Again, everyone present is expected to participate in our planned activities. We expect members of our youth group to treat everyone around them with kindness and respect.
I Agree
Today's Date
I Agree To Parent's Responsibility
Jesus said, “In everything, do to others as you would have them do to you; for this is the law and the prophets.” Harassment between students is prohibited at our youth group. Neither physical nor verbal harassment will be tolerated. We are a place for building one another up, and we will not permit our students to belittle each other. If you can’t say something nice…shut up! Bullying does not build up. Any form of sexual harassment will not be tolerated. Examples of sexually harassing behavior include stalking, dating abuse, making obscene gestures, making sexual comments, remarks or insults, stalking, pressure for sexual activity, spreading rumors of a sexual nature. Be respectful in our group discussions. This means do not interrupt each other, do not scoff at what someone says, or make them feel small for saying something you disagree with. Engage and listen to the discussion and avoid side conversations during our discussion time. We expect your behavior not to disrupt our events but to help make them better. Phones must be put away during our devotional times. If a volunteer or leader have to tell you a second time to put away your phone, it will be confiscated and returned after the devotional is finished. Be respectful of one another’s property. You may not take (even temporarily) that which belongs to another student, leader, or volunteer without their knowledge and express permission (i.e., cell phones). Be safe: At no time should a youth group member wander off or leave the premises without adult supervision or prior permission. Alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, vape pens, drugs, weapons, and fireworks are never allowed at any youth event. Youth group members are expected to follow the instructions given by the youth group ministry team and volunteers. Youth group members are expected to follow the guidelines established by the ministry team and volunteer leaders. Anyone who breaks these guidelines and instructions, or whose behavior is disruptive, may be dismissed from the activity. Responsibilities of Parents / Guardians 1. Respect, understand and support the leadership and policies of the North County Church youth group. 2. Recognize and understand that youth leaders and personnel must enforce the above rules and policies to ensure a safe learning environment for all. 3. Teach your children to respect the rights of others and to follow youth group rules. 4. Emphasize the importance of being a model person in both the home, the church, and in the community!
I Agree
Today's Date
Student Acknowledgement
By selecting "I Agree", you agree to abide by the above expectations and understand that failing to do so can and will result in consequences as outlined below. Consequences for Misbehavior The consequences for misbehavior outlined below are designed for encouraging growth. It is our goal that any student who commits any offense learns from it and grows wiser. We desire to have all students participating in all activities and will not hold prior offenses against students assuming it does not become a pattern. 1st Offense: The student will receive a verbal warning. 2nd Offense: The student will be pulled aside by a leader to discuss the offense. 3rd Offense: The student will be pulled aside by a leader and will be asked to call their parents, explain why they are calling (i.e. what actions got them into trouble), and ask to be picked up immediately. At this time, the student will receive advance warning that the next offense will result in suspension from youth group events and gatherings for 1-2 weeks and a in-person parent and student meeting with the youth ministers shall be scheduled. Youth Group leaders reserve the right to determine the severity of misbehavior and may choose to skip or modify any of the above stated consequences. Students who reach “3rd offense” multiple times may lose privileges including, but not limited to, youth group single day events, and/or attendance at overnight events (i.e. retreats).
I Agree
Parent Acknowledgement
I Agree
Today's Date
Thank you!