We want to help you come to know God and experience His love.
The Bible — the whole Bible — isn’t just an ancient document about life way back then. It has present and eternal relevance for today. The Bible isn’t a collection of moral fables, nor is it simply a collection of stories of people long ago and far away. It’s not a set of pointers on how to live better or be better.
The Bible is God’s story. It's the thrilling, true story that describes the nature, character, and love of God the Father, and his son Jesus Christ. It tells of God's great love for us. It’s the account of our creation, our struggle with rebellion and sin, and how we became separated from God. It describes how God continues to love us as his created beings, despite our sin, and how his everlasting love caused him to give his one and only Son, Jesus, to rescue and deliver us. He did this to redeem our lives from our lost, estranged, and damaged state, and in doing so, reconcile us to himself. It’s the story of God creating each of us anew and creating his forever family on earth, the church, and the people who have accepted his gift of salvation and new life in Christ through faith, repentance, and baptism.
Our Story
His story is our story. We believe our salvation has been fully secured through what Jesus did over 2,000 years ago in offering his very life on a cross outside Jerusalem to redeem ours. We believe in and have put our trust in Him. We are seeking, by his grace, to follow Him. We’re far from perfect, but he’s perfect. We are simply one congregation of those people found around the world who make up His family.
That’s our story. Our church is full of folks who have their own story of how Jesus saved them and changed their lives.
We invite you to come and see. The good news that Jesus brings is for everyone. We're here to share it with others. Join us this Sunday. If you have questions, send us a message at office@northcountycofc.org.
“God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners,
Christ died for us.”