Kevin Withem
Senior Minister
Kevin preaches the weekly messages, with the aim of making God's Word applicable. He's a native of San Diego, is married to Karen, has three sons, and has been in full time ministry for over thirty years, just over eight of those in Austin, TX, and the rest in San Diego County.
Jonathan Guevara Minister
Jonathan serves as our main preaching minister in the Spanish Language Service. He and his family joined our team in May of 2019. Jonathan grew up in Venezuela and has recently prior to arriving at North County was involved in planting churches in Mexico.
Leigh Bracken
Campus / Site
As a mobile Church there is space, and volunteers to manage. Leigh coordinates the activities and space at our School site, and ministry site at our offices. He also serves to direct our Compass Groups. Leigh and Debbie had been a part of North County since they were young adults, and recently returned after a stint in Texas.
Juli Garon Children’s Ministry Team
Juli serves as one of our Children’s Ministry Team members, bringing together our Sunday program and working with Taya to create other activities to serve our kids.
Taya Gibbs Children’s Ministry Team
Taya serves as one of our Children’s Ministry Team members, bringing together our Sunday program and working with Juli to create other opportunities to serve our kids.
Elders and Wives
Vince & Deanna Albini
Charlie "Chase"
& Sandie Clark
Charlie & Linda Eaton
Charles "Bubba" & Robynn Martin
Kevin & Karen Withem